Sunday, December 29, 2019

Single Parental System and the Psychological Impact on Children - Free Essay Example

Sample details Pages: 5 Words: 1570 Downloads: 4 Date added: 2019/06/26 Category Society Essay Level High school Tags: Single Parent Essay Did you like this example? The number of single parents in the United States continues to grow but the amount of research about the effects single parenting has on children is limited. There are many aspects of single parenting that are considered stressors for children that could affect them in years to come. While you may not see the effects of single parenting in early childhood you can see it later in life. Don’t waste time! Our writers will create an original "Single Parental System and the Psychological Impact on Children" essay for you Create order While I plan to investigate the effects, single parenting has on the development in early childhood and school. As well as we adolescence and how it could affect the way children develop. I also plan to see what effects could carry into adult hood and relationships. First, I want to point out that the percentage of children living with single parents increased substantially in the United States during the second half of the 20th century. Only 9 percent of children lived with single parents in the 1960s. Amato, P. R., Patterson, S., Beattie, B. (2015). Many people believe that children that live in single parent homes struggle more educationally. There are many things that could attribute to the struggle of these children in school. Stressors at home often carry over with children to school, affecting their learning and behavior. Using multilevel modeling, Pong (1997, 1998) found that U.S. students performed more poorly on math and reading achievement tests in schools with high proportions of children from single-parent families. Bankston and Caldas (1998) obtained comparable results with aggregate data on general academic achievement from students in Louisiana. In a cross-national study, Pong, Dronkers, and Hampden-Thompson (2003) found that single-parent family status was negatively associated with math and science achievement scores in nine out of 11 countries. Amato, P. R., Patterson, S., Beattie, B. (2015). Single parent families often struggle more financially simply since there is only one source of income. Income of parents is often a good predictor of how well a child will or will not do in school. With only one income there is a good chance that the parents will have less time to spend with the child doing homework or studying. Growing up in a single parent home it often occurred that my mother was too busy to help with homework. My grades suffered because of the neglected homework. The cumulative amount of household instability or turbulence in childrens lives is associated with a variety of problematic outcomes, including school performance and educational attainment. Amato, P. R., Patterson, S., Beattie, B. (2015). With poverty which single parent homes often fall under comes additional issues. Substance abuse, alcohol addiction, and poor cognitive ability often come hand and hand with poverty. When a child is born into poverty there is a high chance that child will never leave poverty. As a child is born to a single parent or parents divorce the cycle will continue, which explains why the number of single parent homes continues to grow. As children grow the consequences grow as well. Children who grew up in single parent homes are are twice as likely to drop out of high school, 2.5 times as likely to become teen mothers, and 1.4 times as likely to be idle out of school and out of work as children who grow up with both parents. Sara Mclanahan (1994) Some children also grow up with other disadvantages against them. It is shown that children who grew up with single parents and are Hispanic have a higher chance of school failure than there was of White Americans and African Americans. Family disruption raises the risk of dropping out 150 percent for the average white child, 100 percent for the average Hispanic child, and 76 percent for the average black child. Sara Mclanahan (1994) Looking at the behavior aspect of children is important when discussing the development of single parent families. In a comparison of black and white children, Deater-Deckard et al. (1996) found that physical discipline practices in the first 5 years of life were associated with higher levels of teacher-reported behavior problems for white children in kindergarten through third grade, but they found no significant association between physical discipline and subsequent teacher-reported behaviors for black children. Jackson, A. P., Preston, K. S., Franke, T. M. (2010). The way children are disciplined has a huge effect in the way they behave in childhood and in adulthood. From my own experience I have found that being raised by a single mother who did not use physical discipline, I myself do not use physical discipline. I look down on the act of physical discipline simply because I do not see the need for it. Children pick up on the things their parents do in everyday life and if th ey seem hitting as a normal thing that could carry over into school and even adult hood. Psychological effects of single parenting could differ depending on when the parents became single parents. Children who witness their parents fight constantly or get a divorce, they are more likely to have emotional issues than those kids who did not experience this. These children often turn to other sources to relive the stress of their home life. Alcohol, drugs and crime could become a normal part of their life to take their mind off the struggles at home. While children who are born into single families may see this as normal and could cope with the fact of only having one parent. My mother and father got a divorce when I was young, but that often-put stress on me because I felt like my family was not normal compared to everyone else. With separated parents there is the struggle of splitting time between the two parents. This could be a stressor for children because they will not have a set schedule. As well as splitting time on holidays could cause stress for children. Children tend to do better when they know what their schedule is, and the same thing happens every day. Not having a schedule could cause poor school work, poor social skills, and possibility detachment from their parents. This may make younger children feel insignificant to their parents or that they do not want them around. School work may also struggle in the day to day moving they could forget homework somewhere or lose it. Children who were raised by a single parent is more likely to drop out of college than one who was raised by two parents. This shows that the effects of single parenting does not only affect children, but also it could carry into young adulthood. If children did not have the right type of relationship with their parent when they are young it is proven that they can continue to struggle into adulthood. Young adults could also turn to alcohol or drugs to fill the void that they may have because of the missing parent. These young adults could struggle with the relationships they form or try to form. These relationships could struggle because they may not have seen how a household functions with two parents. Being from a single mother home, I often thought I would never find a person to spend my life with. I also did not think that they were families were happy and functioned with two parents. Coming from a single parent home often cause the child to also suffer from coming from a financially unstable home. It is said that children who suffer from financially instability also suffer more than those children who come from a more financially stable home. Drugs, alcohol, and other aspects can be thrown into the mix with poor families. Not only could the children have substance abuse issues the parents are more likely to have some type of addiction. The children who come from poor single parent homes have just about everything going against them. The chances of going to college is much lower for this group of children. While many things point to a negative outcome for children raised by single parents, these children are not completely doomed. If they have a strong social support, which means there are neighbors or friends that often help the parent these children have a good chance of being successful. It is also said that grandparents are a positive input to a negative situation. With my own upbringing, my mother had many people who lived close to us that were willing to help. My grandparents took on the part of raising me and being my backbone, which I think is what made it possible for my positive outcome from a negative situation. Many single parents may turn to these people to be their support as well. People always say, It takes a village to raise a child, and in this case they are very right. Many people view being raised by a single parent as a negative, not everything is the way it seems. There are chances for positives to happen, and some overcome the challenges stronger than before. There is research that shows how single parent has developmental effects on young children, adolescent children, and how it can even carry over to adulthood. None the less, children overcome obstacles and become great people. References Amato, P. R., Patterson, S., Beattie, B. (2015). Single-parent households and childrens educational achievement: A state-level analysis. Social science research, 53, 191-202. The Consequences of Single Motherhood. (n.d.). Retrieved from Jackson, A. P., Preston, K. S., Franke, T. M. (2010). Single Parenting and Child Behavior Problems in Kindergarten. Race and social problems, 2(1), 50-58.

Saturday, December 21, 2019

Free-Will and Determinism Conflict and Choice Essay example

Suppose that every event or action has a sufficient cause, which brings that event about. Today, in our scientific age, this sounds like a reasonable supposition. After all, can you imagine someone seriously claiming that when it rains, or when a plane crashes, or when a business succeeds, there might be no cause for it? Surely, human behavior is caused. It doesnt just happen for any reason at all. The types of human behavior for which people are held morally accountable are usually said to be caused by the people who engaged in that behavior. People typically cause their own behavior by making choices; thus, this type of behavior might be thought to be caused by your own choice-makings. This freedom to make your own choices is free†¦show more content†¦Therefore, according to this statement, man is not free. brbrIf we accept the determinist argument and assume human behavior as a consequence of external factors rather than of free choice, then we must realize that our expla nation of human behavior leaves no room for morality. If people do not choose their actions, then they are not really responsible for them, and there is no need for praising or blaming them. If determinism were true, then there would be no basis for human effort, for why should a person make an effort if what he or she does doesnt make a difference? If what will be will be, then one has an excuse for doing nothing. Life would not be so meaningful for people on deterministic grounds. Human life, as we know it, would not make much sense without the concept of freedom. In our everyday lives, there are many times when we have to make decisions; what we are going to eat for breakfast, or where we are going to walk. When we talk or write, we are deciding on the arrangement of our thoughts, and we have to search for the right expressions. Our life, while we are awake and active, is a mixture of important and unimportant choices. brbrHaving free will means that we are able to act voluntaril y, that we could have decided to act differently than we did. When someone is criticized for looking sloppy, or making an offensive remark, he may try to excuse himself with a IShow MoreRelatedFree Will vs. Determinism: Do You Create Your Own Destiny, or Is It Redetermined?1108 Words   |  4 PagesThroughout time, philosophers have been striving to answer the theoretical question of â€Å"Do you make your own choices or have circumstances beyond your control already decided your destiny?† For thousand of years, this question has haunted the minds of sophisticated society, because it questions the very root of man’s life. The two great debates created to solve this question are Free Will and Determinism. To answer this argument I will attempt to present the arguments of both sides, by defining their premisesRead MoreArgument For Incompatibilism By Peter Van Inwagen854 Words   |  4 Pagesconcludes that free will and determinism cannot be compatible. The type of a rgument that van Inwagen uses, the Consequence Argument, has become the maxime popularis way for incompatibilists to assert that, determinism, and free will, are in conflict. The Consequence Argument attempts to display that, if there is an assumption that determinism is true, and then there is a further assumption that for any action that has taken place, up to a specific point, the agent never had a choice about the actionRead MoreThe True Freedom Of Free Will1180 Words   |  5 Pagesspecifically free will, is usually the one thing we believe we have. Even though there are obvious factors affecting us, our free will, or freedom, is what we think we truly possess. Free will is defined, for these purposes, as the ability to act on your second order desires. If we are able to act â€Å"otherwise† we have free will. It is when this ability is taken away that we loose our freedom. The ability to do otherwise arises from our intense desire to have control over our choices. 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Friday, December 13, 2019

The Un and Peacekeeping Free Essays

CHAPTER FIVE CONCLUSION INTRODUCTION Since its inception in 1945, the United Nations has been involved in peacekeeping operations and conflict resolutions in the international system. According to Article 1 of the Charter of the United Nations, the UN is expected â€Å"to take effective collective measures for the prevention and removal of threats to the peace, and for the suppression of acts of aggression or other breaches of the peace, and to bring about by lawful means, and in conformity with the principle of justice and international law, adjustment or settlement of international disputes or situations which might lead to a breach of the peace. The United Nations has been charged with vast responsibilities for the maintenance of international peace and security. We will write a custom essay sample on The Un and Peacekeeping or any similar topic only for you Order Now Two organs were created for this purpose: the Security Council (which consists of fifteen members, five permanent members with veto power and ten non permanent members) and the General Assembly (which consist of representatives from all member states). This essay seeks to examine and analyze the role of the United Nations in the maintenance of international peace and security using the Korean War as a case study. THE UN AND PEACEKEEPING Peacekeeping is defined by the United Nations as â€Å"a unique and dynamic instrument developed by the organization as a way to help countries torn by conflict, create the conditions for lasting peace. The Security Council of United Nations has been given the responsibility to take collective action to maintain international peace and security. The â€Å"Uniting for Peace† resolution adopted by the General Assembly in 1954 imposes the responsibility of maintenance of international peace and security on the General Assembly under certain conditions. The United Nations, after the approval by the Security Council sends peacekeepers to regions where armed conflict has recently ceased or paused to enforce the terms of peace agreements and to discourage combatants from resuming hostilities. Since the United Nations does not maintain its own military, peacekeeping forces are voluntarily provided by member states of the United Nations. The founders of the United Nations envisaged that the organization would help to prevent conflicts between states and in the process, prevent outbreak of another major war in the future. The United Nations would have been able to achieve this successfully if not for the outbreak of the Cold War. The outbreak of the Cold War made it extremely difficult for the United Nations to successfully resolve issues and conflicts because of the division of the world into hostile camps. The United States and Western Europe on one side and the Soviet Union, Eastern Europe and part of Asia on the other side. This caused a stalemate in decision making in the Security Council as both powers (United States and Soviet Union) used their veto power to check each other. The United Nations found it extremely difficult to come to a resolution on issues where both super powers had national interests. In such case as the Korean War where after the Soviet Union used her veto power to reject resolutions and left the Security Council completely paralyzed, the General Assembly through the â€Å"Uniting for Peace† resolution assumed the responsibility of making decisions. In spite of the various obstacles the United Nations faced during the Cold War era in conflict resolution, it was however to an extent successful in maintaining international peace and security and most importantly, the outbreak of another World War. THE UNITED NATIONS AND THE KOREAN WARThe Korean War from 1950 to 1953 was the most severe test the United Nations had to face since its inception in 1945. As part of the Cold War scenario, the Korean War was a complicated issue with which the United Nations had to successfully deal with or lose credibility just five years after it had come into being. The Korean experience tested the United Nations ability and credibility in maintaining international peace and security. In some ways the Korean episode could be regarded as the United Nations finest hour. Here for the first and only time in its history, the Security Council called on its members to go to the defense of a state under armed attack1. It also marked the first attempt by an international organization to check an act of aggression, and it stands as the only occasion on which enforcement action had been taken against aggressor states or other authorities2. Here in consequences the forces of a number of countries fought under the United Nations flag to defend the principle that aggression should not be allowed to succeed3. But the concept of collective security was not upheld as only a quarter of the membership of he United Nations sent military assistance to South Korea and the sixteen states which did so were all Western countries. This was an example of alliance strategy than of enforcement action by an international organization; of collective defence rather than collective security. The fact that a great majority of the United Nation membership though pro- western were u nwilling to send significant armed support to the country whose existence was threatened showed that the action would scarcely be said whole heartedly to fulfill the ideals enshrined in the Charter of the UN4. The dominance exercised by the United States over the entire operation in the Korean crisis deprived it of the name of the genuine collective security. This was demonstrated in the early stages by the fact that most of the Security Council initiatives and resolutions were really in origin United States proposals. At the onset of North Korea attack on South Korea, the United States was the first state to send assistance both financially and militarily to South Korea even before the United Nations had taken a decision on the matter. The military operation was headed by a United States commander and decision that were taken originated directly from the White House and not from the UN secretariat. This defeated the purpose of collective security by placing the responsibility of a peacekeeping mission in the hands of a super power. This contrasted radically with the subsequent practice of the UN in organizing peace-keeping forces from 1956 onward. In these cases the super power were normally excluded from participation altogether. And no single power or even a group of powers was able to dominate policy in the way the United States was allowed to do in Korea5. This gave a clear indication that the UN was dominated by the United States. Nearly 90% of all army personnel, 93% of all air power and 80% of all naval power for the Korean War had come from the United States. The Chinese got involved in the war (this escalated and prolonged the war) on the basis that they viewed the whole operation not as an United Nations peacekeeping mission but an effort by the United States to gain control of Asia using the United Nation as a cover to invade both Koreas and China. The decision of the United Nations Forces to cross the 38th parallel also originated from the United States. The United States brought the proposal for the United Nations forces to cross the 38th parallel and enter North Korea before the General Assembly even though most of the participating states were against it. Even though there were other states that participated in the peace keeping operations, their opinion were barely considered by the United States. Major of the decision making processes was held in Washington rather than New York. While the success of the United Nations in repelling aggression in Korea had been in large part due to the contribution of the United States, the dominant role of the United States weakened the collective character of the operation6. Throughout the whole episode, the United Nations failed to institute or even attempt to institute any effective negotiations among the parties concerned as in the case of South Korea and North Korea and also the United States and the Soviet Union after the division of Korea. The United Nations also failed before 1950 to bring the two parties (North and South Korea) into discussion to as to bring about a resolution or involve the use of a mediator or good office to help along with negotiations; instead the United Nations held on to its demands for all Korean – election under the UN auspices. The Korean experience has shown that the Charter provision and machinery for which the Charter provides can be adapted and utilized under certain conditions to defeat aggression and to discourage aggression in advance7. Since the decline of the Cold War, the UN however, has been more effective and efficient in maintaining international peace and security. The Korean experienced questioned the UN as a useful and promising means of dealing with threats to and breaches of the peace by collective measures and its limitations. The â€Å"Uniting for Peace† resolution which was passed by the General Assembly during the Korean War created a whole new dynamic. The veto power of the permanent members of the Security Council sometimes cripples the Council as it make decision making harder and slower in cases where the super powers have different contrasting interest as could be seen in the Korea conflict where the Soviet Union used her veto power to cripple the resolution passed by the other members of the council. The â€Å"Uniting for Peace† resolution gave the General Assembly the power and responsibility to make decisions under such circumstances where the Security Council is crippled and in capable of making decisions concerning the security matters. The Korean experience served as an important lesson for the UN in its pursuit of international peace and security. It has also shown that the purpose of collective security is to restore international peace and security and not do justice, particularly if the doing of justice, which often is highly controversial and in practice requires some accommodation of conflicting interests involves a serious risk of extending the war. Furthermore there is the additional danger where one member has disproportionate share in the direction of the operation that the member will seek to use the operation for implementation of its own national policies, policies which may not be in harmony with the interests and policies of other members of the United Nations. The United Nations could justifiably hold that it had fought a successful war to defend a nation under attack what it could not claim, after eight years of discussion, was that it had brought any nearer a resolution of the Korean problem. CONCLUSION The Korean War served as an important lesson to UN. In spite of the various obstacles it has faced the United Nations had been able to improve and make amendment. Since the decline of the Cold War which was a major factor in the outcome of the Korean War has also strengthened the United Nations in the area of conflict resolution and peace keeping operation. ENDNOTES 1. Evan Luard, A History of the United Nations Volume 1: The Years of Western Domination 1945-1955 (Macmillan 1982), p. 71-272. 2. D. W. Bowett, United Nations Forces. A Legal Study of United Nations Practice (London, Sterens and Sons, 1984), p. 30 3. Evan Luard, A History of the United Nations Volume 1: The Years of Western Domination 1945-1955 (Macmillan 1982), p. 272. 4. Ibid, p. 272-273. 5. Ibid, p. 273. 6. Leland M. Goodrich, â€Å"The United Nations and the Korean War: A Case Study†, Proceedings of the Academy of Political Science, Vol. 25. No. 2. United Nations: Success or Failure p. 103. 7. Ibid, p. 102. How to cite The Un and Peacekeeping, Papers

Thursday, December 5, 2019

Anti-Obesity free essay sample

Department of Science and Technology showed (Ambulates, 2010). According to the World Health Organization (WHO), more than 1. Billion adults, 20 and older, were overweight in 2008. Of these, over 200 million men and nearly 300 million women were obese. Studies showed that 65% of the worlds population live in countries where overweight and obesity kills more people than underweight (World Health Organization, 2012). Obesity is one of the greatest banes of our technology centered lives. This problem is evident not only in adults, but also in kids who are spending more time in front of the computer, television or video-game console instead of playing games outside. Since todays busy families have fewer free moments to prepare nutritious, home-cooked meals, the rapid increase of fast food Haines in the country should not come off as surprising. The modern person, though, has started to become aware of this problem. On top of image issues, obesity also poses a number of health-related problems which cannot be taken lightly. The increasing number of weight loss pills, herbal dietary supplements or teas and the fact that Samba has become extremely popular in Zebu, is proof of that (Sun. Star Zebu Newspaper, 2012). These have not yet been completely effective in eliminating the problem, though. Obesity has definitely become a growing problem, but a lot of anti-obesity educations, with fen-peen as the best example, have proven to have very damaging side-effects like lung hypertension and heart valve condition (Fen Peen, 2010). Royalist is also associated with a number of unpleasant intestinal side effects such as loose stools or an urgent need to go to the bathroom and the inability to control bowel movements. It is generally only prescribed as a last resort for weight loss (WebMD, 2013). The researchers have decided to Join in developing ways to eliminate obesity by studying the weight loss potential of Snow Pea pods extract. This, if proven effective, could be a natural way of treating obesity. Snow peas are popularly known as chicory or sisters in the Philippines. They are the most common type of peas found in the country. Peas are low in calories and are good source of fiber, vitamin C, iron, potassium and magnesium (Department of Primary Industries, November 2009). According to a chart provided by the George Maternal Foundation, a cup of green peas contains 30. 3% fiber and 14. 8% protein. Few foods provide us with such substantial amounts of protein and fiber as peas. Dietary fiber, which is found in snow peas, is undoubtedly one of the most talked about nutrients for health promotion and disease prevention (The George Maternal Foundation, Dietary fibers promote beneficial physiological detects including location, bal cholesterol attenuation and blood glucose attenuation or a combination of the three effects. (American Association of Cereal Chemists, 2001). Diets higher in protein and moderate in scars are often thought by experts to reduce blood fats. It also helps maintain lean tissue while burning fat for fuel. And this happens without dieters being sidetracked with constant hunger. Researchers have yet to figure out how protein works to reduce appetite, but it is speculated that it may be because protein causes the brain to receive lower levels of appetite-stimulating hormones (WebMD, 2012). With these information, the researchers hope that snow peas would prove to have significant anti-obesity effects. Objectives of the Study The purpose of the study is to find out the effectiveness of Snow peas Pious stadium vary. Saccharins pod extract as an anti-obesity agent on male albino mice. The study specifically aims to: 1 . Determine the weight loss or weight gained of each mouse and the difference in he weight of each mouse from day 31 to day 45. 2. Determine the percent anti- obesity activity of the test plant extract based on weight loss. 3. Determine the number of times each mouse stands or paws during the five minute locomotors test. 4. Monitor the quality of fecal activity of each mouse t o test the laxative property of Snow peas and check for the presence of fats and oils in the feces through spot test. 5. Determine the constituents present in snow peas pod extract using test tube reaction method. Significance of the Study If proven effective, the research study can serve as one of the basis for future searches, since not much anti-obesity agents were studied by the students of the Department of Pharmacy of the University of San Carols, Zebu City. The study would be a good step in the isolation and formulation of pharmaceutical products using Philippines rich nature, since it considers the potential therapeutic importance of a plant available in the Philippines. The study would promote the planting of Snow peas in the Philippines. Peas are one of the easiest of all vegetables to propagate and grow, giving rather rapid gratification. They will grow satisfactorily in most garden soils. Snow peas are one of the most satisfying vegetables to grow even in small spaces and are ideal as a plant for balconies and courtyards as they could and should be harvested every couple of days. As well as the pods you can also harvest the tender young shoots for salads and stir fried meals. They can be grown just as well in a pot as they can in the ground Just as long as they have a support to climb on to. The study would help minimize, if not eliminate, the problems concerning obesity and excessive fat intake from our diets. This will be made possible by encouraging people to include snow peas in their daily diet. Being overweight or obese puts a person at risk for many health problems. The more body fat a person has and the more a person weighs, the more likely for the person to develop diseases such as coronary heart disease, high blood pressure, type 2 diabetes, gallstones, breathing problems, and CE retain cancers. Witt the help to modern technology, the study can help improve the quality of life of many people. The study will be beneficial not only to the Filipinos, but also to people outside the country. It will encourage people to eat vegetables, which contain a lot of nutrients. Snow peas have important role inside human nutrients. This plant contains protein, energy, fiber, vitamins and minerals which enhance metabolism. They provide a high dose of pectin, a soluble fiber that makes you feel full which may reduce your appetite. Also, it lowers OLD cholesterol reducing the risk of heart disease, regulates blood sugar which may reduce the onset risk or symptoms of metabolic syndrome and diabetes, and may reduce the risk of collateral cancer, and help manage diarrhea. They provide a good dose of thiamine, also known as vitamin 81, vitamin hat plays a role in energy metabolism, helps maintain normal digestion, appetite, and proper nerve function. Protein of snow peas has good source of amino acid. The study also helps discover the incredible weight loss benefits of Snow peas and how much a person should eat to get maximum benefit from these peas. This research can promote awareness for everyone to pay attention to their lifestyle and food choice. Scope and Delimitation The research study will only focus on the potential anti-obesity property of Snow pea pod extract on male albino mice. The Snow peas pod will undergo ethanol extraction then dried in an oven to obtain its extract. The mice will be grouped into eight, with one mouse per group. Groups one to four will be receiving normal diet, while groups five to eight will be receiving high fat diet for a length of one month before testing. Two doses of extracts (500 MGM/ 20 g mouse and 1000 MGM/ 20 g mouse) will be used for the experiment and Royalist will be used for the positive control. Three trials will be conducted for this study. Anti-obesity activity will be determined with the use of body weight, locomotors activity test, and examination of fecal quality. The extraction process, confirmatory test, and photochemical testing will take place during the first semester of S. Y. 2013-2014 at the Department of Pharmacy, Father Robert Hopper Building, University of San Carols, Taliban Campus, Zebu City, Philippines. Definition of Terms Anti-obesity Agent. Substance with possible weight reducing effect administered to the albino mice. Extract. Substance obtained after ethanol extraction, filtration and evaporation of Snow peas pod. Locomotors Activity Test. The mobility test used to determine the capacity of mouse to stand on its rear paws within five minutes. Obesity. A condition characterized by the abnormal or excessive accumulation and storage of fat in the body that presents a risk to health. The test animal is said to be obese if its weight increases by twenty percent of its original weight. Spot Test. A test used to detect the presence of lipids. Lipids leave translucent spots (grease spots) on filter paper. Weight Gain. Increase in body weight of test animals which results from the intake of more calories than needed by the body. Weight Loss. Decrease in body weight resulting trot intake to weight-reducing agent, as weighing. CHAPTER 2 REVIEW OF RELATED LITERATURE AND STUDIES Peas, Pious stadium determine deed by consistent Peas are a member of the Effaceable or legume family, which includes plants that bear pods enclosing fleshy seeds. There are two main kinds of peas: green and edible-pod. Snow peas (See Plate 1) belong to edible pods. Most edible-pod peas have seeds that are not yet fully developed (Calories, 2011). The legume family (Leguminous) takes its name from the Latin legume, or pod. Thesis a two-valve fruit with seeds attached to the edge of the upper margin. The payday be straight, coiled, mounded, flattened, winged, woody, flesh, smooth or hairy. When ripe, they may split open along with the margin or sometimes break into seeded segments. Many seeds are pea- or bean-shaped; all have two cotyledons and an embryo, and can often retain the capacity to germinate for many years. Pods of different species can display a number of interesting features (Millet, 2004). Snow Peas Pious stadium vary. Saccharins or snow pea is a variety of pea eaten whole in its pod while still unripe. In French, snow peas are called mange tout, which meaner eat all, since both the peas and the pods are edible. It is one of the earliest-known cultivated plants, with evidence of having been cultivated in a region that is now along the Thailand-Burma border, 12,000 years ago. Like all legumes, snow peas host beneficial bacteria, rhizome, that fix nitrogen in the soil, which is considered a naturalistic relationship, and are therefore a useful companion plant, especially useful to grow intercepted with green, leafy vegetables that benefit from high nitrogen content in their soil. The snow peas grow up to three inches long (7. 5 CM) with flat, bright green pods that are pointed at both ends. The peas sprout from a blossom that becomes a green leaflet at the stem-end of pods as the peas mature. The pods also have strings along their edges that are usually removed before cooking. The tendrils the vines produce for climbing are also edible and are often used in fine cuisine (Research, 2010). Plate 1. Habit of Growth of Snow Pea Plant Pious stadium vary. Saccharins (Rasa, 2009) ones A: Lead and I F rower (HAD Directory, B Pods (Burped, Snow peas are rich in nutritional value. They are high in dietary fiber, protein and vitamin C. They are very low in Saturated Fat, Cholesterol and Sodium. They are also a good source of Riboflavin, Vitamin 86, Pentatonic Acid, Magnesium, Phosphorus and Potassium, and a very good source of Vitamin A, Vitamin K, Thiamin, Foliate, Iron and Manganese. (The Tucker Patch, 2012) The texture and sweetness of snow peas are at their best when eaten immediately after harvesting. They will also keep for several days in the refrigerator in a plastic bag or container. Snow peas may also be frozen and do not need to be thawed before being added to a dish. Fresh snow peas may be eaten raw as a snack or used as a salad ingredient. They also lend themselves nicely o quick blanching, which enhances their crisp texture and vibrant green color. Snow peas may be added to Asian stir-fry dishes, soups, and pasta. They require very little cooking time and should be added toward the end of the cooking process for optimal texture and color (Helter, 2 The extracts trot the seeds to snow peas nave been shown to have antibacterial properties that may help protect infants and children against certain infections from bacteria such as H. Pylori. Studies also shows that a substance contained in snow peas called glycogen-A has been effective to help overcome one cause of male infertility. Snow peas were proven to increase fertility in some men that are currently considered infertile (Liberating, 2011). Obesity A recent article by Galatea defined obesity as a result of the accumulation of excess fat on the body. It is considered a chronic disease, with many serious long- term consequences on an individuals health. Along with tobacco use and high blood pressure, it is leading cause of preventable deaths (Galatea, 2012). Department of Science and Technology Food and Nutrition Research Institute conducted a study last 2008 which showed that there were about 20 out of 100 Filipino adults of both exes who were overweight in 1998. The figures have then increased to 24 and 27 out of 100 in 2003 and 2008, respectively (Ambulates, 2010). Obesity is normally perceived as something adults would suffer. But according to Philip Chug, obesity in children has doubled the past couple of decades and tripled the past 30 years. Today, among the affluent people around the world, including those in developing nations, obesity afflicts about 20 percent of children aged 6 to 1 1, and more alarmingly, about 10 percent of those aged 2 to 5 are obese. Among those between ages 12 and 19, 18 percent are also obese. The more obese the child, the greater the risk of developing a cluster of health problems and their complications early in life, which includes type 2 diabetes, high blood pressure and other cardiovascular diseases. Obesity, in children or in adult, is a significant health danger (Chug, 2012). Obesity and overweight have many causes, including genetic, metabolic, behavioral and environmental. The rapid increase in prevalence suggests that behavioral and environmental influences predominate, rather than biological changes. Direct associations between obesity and several diseases, including aviates mellitus, hypertension, displacement and shamanic heart disease, are well recognized. Despite this, the relationship between body weight and all-cause mortality is more controversial. A very high degree of obesity (IBM > 35 keg/mm) seems to be linked to higher mortality rates (Mailing and Knobble, 2006). Despite the rapidly increasing cases of obesity worldwide, weight-loss medications should only be considered as an adjunct for patients who are at substantial medical risk because of their obesity and in whom non-pharmacological treatments have not resulted in sufficient weight loss to improve health or to prevent regain. The safety and efficacy of weight-loss medications beyond two years of use have not been established (Winooski and Winooski, 2002). Health Risks of Obesity (Abram, et al. , 2009) Cancer. Obesity is associated with a higher prevalence of breast, colon, and endometrial cancers. With breast cancer, risks increase in postmenopausal women with increasing body weight. Women who gain more than Bibb from age 18 to midlife nave double the risk to breast cancer compared Witt women who maintain a stable weight during this period of their life. In addition, obesity apparently increases the risk f breast cancer independent of overall obesity. In women with central obesity, this additional risk factor may be related to an excess of estrogen and a deficiency of sex- hormone-binding globulin to combine with the estrogen. Colon cancer seems to be more common in obese man and women. In addition, a high IBM may be a risk factor for a higher mortality rate with colon cancer. Endometrial cancer is clearly more common in obese women, with adult weight gain again increasing risk. Cardiovascular Diseases. Obesity is a major risk factor for cardiovascular disorders and increased mortality from cardiovascular disease. Studies have confirmed the relationship between obesity and increased risk of coronary heart disease and stroke in both men and women. In addition, obesity during adolescence is associated with higher rates and greater severity of cardiovascular disease as adults. Obesity increases risks by aggravating other risks factors such as hypertension, insulin resistance, low HAD cholesterol, and hyperthyroidisms. In addition, obesity seems to be an independent risk factor for cardiovascular disorders, and obesity may be more important than IBM as a risk factor for death from cardiovascular disease. The increased mortality rate is seen even with modest excess body weight. Hypertension, dyspepsia, insulin resistance, and glucose intolerance are known cardiac risk factors that tend to cluster in obese individuals. Hypertension often occurs in obese persons and is thought to play a major role in the increased incidence of cardiovascular disease and stroke observed in patients with obesity. Metabolic abnormalities that occur with obesity and type 2 diabetes mellitus (e. G. , insulin resistance and the resultant hypersensitiveness) aggravate hypertension and increase cardiovascular risks. The combination of obesity and hypertension is associated with cardiac changes (e. G. , thickening of the ventricular wall, schemas, and increased heart volume) that lead to heart failure more rapidly. Weight loss of as little as 4. 5 keg (10 lb) can decrease blood pressure and cardiovascular risk in many people with obesity and hypertension. Diabetes Mellitus. Obesity is strongly associated with impaired glucose tolerance, insulin resistance, and diabetes mellitus. In addition, obesity during adolescence is associated with high rates of diabetes as adults as well as more severe complications f diabetes at younger ages. Dyspepsias. Obesity strongly contributes to abnormal and undesirable changes in lipid metabolism (e. G. Increased triglycerides and OLD cholesterol; decreased HAD cholesterol) that increase risks of cardiovascular disease and other health problems. Gallstones. Obesity apparently increases the risk for developing gallstones by altering production and metabolism of cholesterol and bile. The risk is higher in women, especially those who have had multiple pregnancies or who are taking oral contraceptives. However, rapid weight loss with very low-calorie diets is also as sociated with gallstones. The reason for this may be that rapid weight loss appears to decrease the gallbladders ability to contract bile. But, it is unclear whether very low-calorie diets directly cause gallstones or whether the amount of weight loss is responsible for the formation of gallstones. Metabolic Syndrome. Metabolic syndrome is a group of risk factors and chronic conditions that coco together and greatly increase the risks to diabetes mellitus, serious cardiovascular disease, and death. The syndrome is thought to be highly prevalent in the United States. Major characteristics include many of the health robbers associated with obesity (e. G. Dyspepsias, hypertension, impaired glucose tolerance, insulin resistance, central obesity). Osteoarthritis. Society is associated with osteoarthritis of both weight-bearing joints, such as the hip and knee, and non-weight bearing Joints. Extra weight can stress affected bones and Joints, contract muscles that abnormally stabilize Joints, and may alter the metabolism of cartilage, collagen, and bone. In general, obese people develop osteoarthritis of the knees at earlier a ge and are more likely than non-obese people to require knee replacement surgery. Sleep pane. Sleep pane commonly occurs in obese persons. A possible explanation is enlargement of soft tissue in the upper airways that leads to collapse of the upper airways with inspiration during sleep. The obstructed breathing leads to pane with hyperemia, HyperCard, and a stress response. Sleep pane is associated with increased risks of hypertension, possible right heart failure, and sudden death. Weight loss leads to improvement in sleep pane. Miscellaneous Effects. Obesity is associated with numerous difficulties in addition to those described above. These may include Non-alcoholic fatty liver disease, which is being increasingly recognized and which may lead to liver failure Poor wound healing Poor antibody response to hepatitis B vaccine A negative perception of people who are obese that affects their education, socioeconomic, and employment status High costs associated with treatment of the medical conditions caused or aggravated by obesity as well as the costs associated with weight-loss efforts In women, obesity is associated with menstrual irregularities, difficulty in becoming pregnant, and increased complications of pregnancy In men, obesity is associated with infertility In children and adolescents, obesity increases risk of bone fractures and muscle and Joint pain. Knee pain is commonly reported, and changes in the knee Joint make movement and exercise more difficult. Ann-obesity Drugs Anti-obesity drugs or weight loss drugs include all pharmacological treatments intended to reduce or control weight. The two main categories of anti-obesity drugs are: (1) Anti-obesity drugs that act on the gastrointestinal system (pancreatic lipase inhibitors) and (2) Anti-obesity drugs that act on the central nervous system mainly to suppress appetite. Royalist is an example of the first kind of anti-obesity drug that inhibits pancreatic and gastric lipase, which reduces dietary fat absorption and in turn leads to weight loss. Submarine is the example of second kind of anti-obesity drug that promotes a sense of satiety. It is an anorectic or appetite suppressant that reduces the desire to eat. Remonstrant is a recently developed anti-obesity drug. It also acts centrally on the brain and decreases appetite. There are many anti- obesity drugs but some of them have severe or life-threatening side effects. Therefore, they are recommended to be taken only under medical supervision. Prescription weight loss drugs are approved only tort those Witt a B above, or 27 and above if they have other risk factors, such as high blood pressure or diabetes (Pharmaceutical Drug Manufacturers, 2012). Royalist Royalist (See Figure 2) is (S)-2-formulation-4-methyl-pentatonic acid (S)-l AS)-3-hexed-4-ox-2-external] methyl]-decoded ester. Its empirical formula is C29H53N05, and its molecular weight is 495. 7. It is a single discriminate molecule that contains four choral centers, with a negative optical rotation in ethanol at 529 NM (Genetic, 2010). Figure 1 . Chemical Structure of Royalist Royalist is a white to off-white crystalline powder. Royalist is practically insoluble in water, freely soluble in chloroform and very soluble in methanol and ethanol. Royalist is not capable of ionizing within the physiological pH range (Ruche, 2012). Royalist is used together with a reduced-calorie diet to help a person lose weight and to help keep the lost weight from returning. It is also used in overweight people who may also have diabetes, high blood pressure, high cholesterol, or heart disease. This medicine is available both over-the-counter (ETC) and with doctors prescription. This product is available in capsule (Kenny, 2012). Royalist works by blocking chemicals (enzymes) such as pancreatic and gastric lipase in the gut which digest fat. Nearly a third of the fat that one ingested is blocked by royalist. The undigested fat is not absorbed into the body, and is passed out with the stools. The normal dose is one capsule 120 MGM, three times a day with each meal. However, it is not needed to take one if there is no fat in the meal or if one misses a meal (AIMS, 2012). Royalist can also interfere with the absorption of various medicines and vitamins bind to fat vitamins A, D, E and beta- carotene) and affect the way that they work. Its most notable drug-to-drug interactions happen when it is taken together with a cyclotrons, carbons, emendation, and warring. It is also possible with a contraceptive pill. Therefore, if a person takes royalist he must take a multivitamin supplement at bedtime a time when he will not be taking royalist to help ensure adequate vitamin intake. If a person takes the contraceptive pill and have severe diarrhea en should use other met nods to contraception in addition to the pill to example, condoms. One must tell his doctor or pharmacist about other medicines that they take, before starting on royalist (Kenny, 2012). The common side effects of royalist includes: bladder pain, diarrhea, fever, general feeling of discomfort or illness, loss of appetite, muscle aches and pains, nasal congestion, nausea, sweating, unusual tiredness or weakness, abdominal or stomach pain or discomfort, back pain, difficulty with moving, gas with leaky bowel movements, inability to hold bowel movement, increases in bowel movements, loss of bowel control, oily bowel movements, and oily spotting of underclothes (Micrometer, 2012). Male Albino Mice Most of the mice used in laboratories are white albino house mice (See Figure 3). The mouse has been used in biomedical research since the early 20th century. Several characteristics have made the mouse an appealing research subject. These include the mouses genetic similarity to humans (at least 80% of DNA in mice is identical to that of humans), small size, short lifespan and reproductive cycle, low maintenance in captivity, and mild manner. For these reasons, house mice constitute the majority of mammals used in research, testing, and education. Over ten million mice are used each year in U. S. Laboratories alone, in tests of new procedures and drugs as well as in research involved in the production of biological products such as vaccines (Animal Liberation Front). The average lifespan of a wild mouse is typically one to two years, while mice kept as pets usually live about three years and have survived up to six years. Mice reach sexual maturity at between five and six weeks of age and have tremendous reproductive potential. They breed throughout the year and may produce as many as eight litters in a single year, with the average litter consisting of four to seven pups. Animal Liberation Front). [pick] Figure 2. Male Albino Mouse (Cheerleaders, 2013) Mice should be kept in rooms with the temperature set at about 21. 1 co and humidity at 50%. Lights should not be too bright since most white mice are albinos and too much light hurts their eyes. They are diurnal. Their bedding should not be wood shaving since some wood emits toxic fumes to mice. They should have fresh mouse or rat food and water available at all times. Their bedding should be changed 2 or 3 times a week to prevent the buildup of urea (Florida Atlantic University, 2012). Mice in research facilities are generally fed a polluted rodent diet ad labium. Maintenance diets generally contain 4-5% fat and 14% protein. An adult mouse will consume about 1 5 grams of feed per 100 grams of body weight per day (Subscriber, 2007). The majority of laboratory rodents are albinos, due to a common mutation in Tyrosine gene in all albino laboratory rat strains and in at least some of the albino mouse strains. Tyrosine is the rate-limiting enzyme in the production of melanin pigment. The prevalence of albinism among laboratory rodents is because many of